Thursday 18 September 2014

As her sorrow increased, her prayers lengthened. I could find her prostrating on the prayer mat, visibly humbled by her pain. Timid and vulnerable like a baby who needs soothing. Contrasting that with her cheerful exuberance, her bravado in flaunting her happiness , her need for attention, her knack for grabbing it, I seethed inside more from regret of thinking that I would forever be tormented by her self-centered approach towards life, than the unfortunate choice of nature to inflict this pain on one of my own blood. The one, who despite all our differences, perhaps knowns me better than anyone else. Who can judge from my facial expressions what I am going to say and can complete my sentences midway. The one who i trust to be the first one to see through my mischief or excuse. The one who would know where I hide the weapon if i committed a murder. How naive had I been to think that she was larger than life,  larger than world and its unfair ways...

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