Sunday 14 September 2014

There have been many times when I was frustrated with not letting my mind over rule my eternal obligation to the society and its customs. 

Oh I am expected to follow the norms of this wonderful society.

A male child is always favored : NORM
Inferior status of the girl's parents in a marriage:NORM.
if a boy has multiple affairs , he is a stud, if a girl has an affair, let alone affairs, she is subjected to character assassination : NORM
Dowry, all the material needs of post-marital life being arranged for by the girl's parents : NORM
Forced marriage to protect the 'honour' of family : NORM
Women on the lookout for 'educated' girls for their sons, who will serve them at home and be compromising of their own ambitions : NORM
Women on the lookout for beautiful girls for their sons, and rejecting multiple girls who do not match the 'standards' they have in mind for their son : NORM
Boy and girl who choose to be together being met by inflexible behavior of parents unwilling to diffuse as much power to two able, functioning adults as their 'honor' or 'better judgement' is challenged : NORM
The stigma attached to divorce is for women : NORM

Why do i walk away from this hatred with a title of feminist? Does it take you to be a feminist to see the pain in this situation, the WRONG that is intrinsic with this system ? Why does it make me an anomaly, an outcast, an outsider to identify the outlines of the vicious cycle of torment that plagues girls throughout the goddamn society'? If i pretended to, so much as put up a show of respecting, let alone admiring these norms or identifying with them, the next time i talked about human rights, or freedom, or happiness...I wouldn't have a voice. I wouldn't respect myself if I let my mind rot along the same lines of slavery.

And hence , I hate this society and culture with absolute conviction. I declare my commitment to bashing it whenever and however I find possible. My shamelessness is my pride.


  1. Dear hira
    U knw wat I spent 4 hours on ur writing u can't blv I read each n every word n understand
    U write so deep ur word so impressive I wanna talk to u i sent req u on Fb
    So em leaving this comment

  2. Can u give some a point from this?
