Tuesday 5 August 2014

You should not be apologetic about a thought you think in all honesty with yourself. Why then, retreat? Why not own it up if not open up about how you feel towards a particular subject/person/situation?
Somebody once told me that my sister was an ideal of a woman. It was funny for me because I had just witnessed her being downright rude and hurtful to my mother which is a habit with her. One minute she would be updating her facebook account about how much she loves our mother and behind the screen, in real life she would be  mostly shouting or being scornful of everything she does. I didn't like the appreciation of such a character, to be honest. But in the long term It helped put things into perspective. However disorderly and impulsive I have been told I am, she is someone I will never want to be. And if in the end I can only hold onto my originality and not bow done to the incessant pressure of expectations from me to act like a  'model woman' , I will feel proud that I have done myself justice. Throughout the lonely nights of my life, I have slept on this thought and I haven't let myself down by choosing to believe I have to be like someone else to meet approval.

I think honest thoughts can be hurtful but they reflect on the person sharing them , test your faith in yourself and help you decide about your life in a better way than misleading flattering would do. The opinion of you in eyes of people is a mirror too, except you have to choose which reflections you hold closer to reality. This choice always belongs to you. Regardless of all these mirrors, you have to know what you are like and i never want to lose this image.

1 comment:

  1. That incident in particular is a dilemma these days among youngsters. there is a saying that ignorance is a bliss. That is something which all have to do is what we are aware of as "Tarbiyat". Gone are the days where kids have respect (dilute moral norms like to give way to elders and similarly vacating the couch/chair) .
    Our elders often quote moral values and respect,in comparison to, they used to have as instincts which they dont find in our generations anymore. If we want to, we shall find a huge gap between moral values from our childhood to what we see today.
    My question is what big elders can accomplish preventing their kids being victim of multiple personalities disorder if they cant teach these basics to their kids ??i ll add that every family member plays a vital part in it.

    I like the analogy but I think it's not applicable if we talk about the personality. Nevertheless, the mirror-eyes analogy shall always be valid in a situation where people shall neither judge nor try to impress each other.
    Conclusion: As long as it is a true face it shall leave one with NO FEAR and NO CHOICE ( and she shall live happily after)
