Tuesday 5 August 2014

I was going through my old mail and realized that surprisingly , the only people i would want to talk to, are the ones who hated on me openly.(or the other way round). What does a child know? Embracing the sobriety that comes only through emotional growth, and a sense of completion other factors are to be credited for, I wish to see how well my 'haters' have fared . Have they too, been set free!

Hey you are the same girl I had an opinion about, Hey you are that woman i called after, Hey you are the guy I insulted thoroughly, Hey you are that person i hated for no reason... and look how ridiculous i find it today. 

How the things we know today could not be known back then.

1 comment:

  1. Starting para indicates normal human nature where one has personal and social clashes. In my opinion, it is constant and dwells all the way along, from studies till death- bed. The most important era is married life to scrutinize in that contest (the point writer made) where couples urge each other, at times, to hate some over petty matters and I am sure, they are successful most often.

    One fares well if and only if one learns the art of forgiveness and courage to accept one’s mistake(s) and on the top of it being a sorry figure which calls upon for a lot of courage. Unfortunately, we do not have the good gut feeling to be morally better than others instead of health and wealth.

    My point is that how often do we (all phases of life even when we have maturity and all) absolve ourselves hating others though this act being very generous and a great deal of virtue. If one is persistent to this behavior then he or she is a gem (it reminds me of the dialogue from LOTT “my precious……………..”
