Tuesday 5 August 2014

The reason for our unhappiness is that we take almost everything that we get to reach, possess, experience or call 'our own' , for granted. If we explore beauty like a bounty, set ourselves so free that the expectation of cool raindrops touching our skin in summer is not so overpowering that it belittles the original sensation of it, if we let ourselves be stimulated by the pleasurable sights in nature as wholesomely as a person newly discovering the gift of eyes, if we hold love as dear as we did faced with the fear of losing it, we will find much to cherish, grow and to live for.


  1. The unhappiness here being referred "for granted" probably falls under the umbrella of things we want for ourselves to be in the news or feeds these days. That remids me a dialogue from one of the old movies (probably )"the fightclub" in which someone says: We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like'. Though people are determined on this one in ways.

    At times, people are being heard of cherishing to die (or faking deaths) during a business trip as, may be, it pays off much more but for what ? Majority of people have evolved their heads into can of worms which causes UNHAPPINESS. People try all fore-mentioned sensational and wild experiences too but those do not long last either as they again join the race crowded by so many related and unrelated people.

    I 'll conclude it like " to wish for more (being un-thankfull to Allah Almighty) and waniting before time (negligance inaccepting the fate) results Unhappiness"

    1. Happiness is not a subject two minds will agree upon.

    2. May be you want to quote a real life example (s)
