Tuesday 15 July 2014

Love dampens spirit. It takes you to a state of peace with yourself. It's strange to be there because suddenly you are not wondering about how unfair the world is, or complaining, or wanting justice, or pursuing something with white hot passion. You are calmly invested in someone. fulfilled and just as easily, dead. Only to come alive in the arms of your beloved... 
Such crippling dependence , such sweet reincarnations.


  1. This note or article gives me only one message that love is a drug. A wise friend of mine once said that every boy can fall in love with every girl & vice versa but only if they have an ambience and developed some trust on various occasions.

    To be in the arms of beloved leads me to conclude that it’s the love love. Quick question…..All those feelings are constant for always !

    1. 'Every boy can fall in love with every girl' I would call that preposterous. So many people don't get along well together even after marriage. So many relationships when allowed to evolve naturally only fall apart.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I respect your opinion but speaking of it, we usually make our mind sets based on ours, others expereinces and most often what we usually observe in our society.

    Our societies and trends usually limit or at times push forward our mind sets further to act accordingly.

    In first part I said limit , as being muslims i thnik our religion does not allow us to love with the other gender before marriage but yeah it allows us to see once ( I have never come across any saying about it in Islam or may be i never tried exploring it)and the later part reflects my thoughts about western societies.

    In Paksitan, I never heard of any love stories in comparison to what we hear these days and usually the ratio of "FALLING APART" in that kind of relations in much higher unlikely the arranged ones. NJevertheless, we should never forget the fact that we have Allah Almighty who is coltrolling our fates and what we lack iis Tawaakal Min Allah :)

  4. It reminds me of a story where I met a middle aged peson and he has Masha Allah big family of 14 members. 8 females and 4 sons.

    His occupation was not that healthy though he had very good faith in Allah . I asked him if he had all of them got married and he said yeah Alhamdulilah.

    I was getting very inquisitive and I further requested him if he does not mind I have few question in my head and he noded as yeah go ahead.

    My first question was how did he manage to find their matesas its critical both for girls and boys. He told me one thing very confidently and addressed me like look son! these days we see and hear many stories about peopple "Falling Apart" but waht we lack is Faith may be. He added, his mother (bay g), used to tell him to go for a yes if some familiy still has some moral values (that list is not long) and give respect and then have faith in Allah.
    He practiced it and masha Allah he is very satidifed

  5. Speaking of today's philosop[hy of love, I feel that we happen to be selfish finding our mates by ourselves thinking (his / her) the best available individual. I said selfish as we like or choose the best for ourself.
