Tuesday 8 July 2014

It's not just the heartache. It's an ultimate insult. It's the turn-around that is unacceptable. You know, one day you have someone in the palm of your hand, and the next, they are invincible. There they are, like a challenge. So much out of reach, and so sure about their paths being separate from ours while our reluctance to accept the shifting paradigms brings us down to our knees. I have known heartache to have the potential to break anyone's spine. It reduces us to pleading, blabbering idiots. Something we would never be if we weren't taken by surprise ; of which denial is an outcome. Maybe just realizing how ordinary they are will humble our real and imagined pain. Just accepting that they are not a trophy out of reach but instead real human beings with flaws, who do the similar embarrassing things in their private moments, and who are deprived of the amazing gift to pursue love with a mad, unyielding passion. Given our addiction to sadness, it is always hard to look at things from an objective point of view. We lament and wallow in grief , seeking recognition, when there is no use ; seeking justice, when there is no judicial system governing human behavior.
Wouldn't it make the things easier if we decide to love ourselves from the day one? Not in the manner of being selfish, but in the way of preserving ourselves and filtering out the assholes in our lives until we meet the one (or ones) we truly belong to.

1 comment:

  1. In general, there is always “self interest” and “mutual benefit” in every relation of life but it differs when two opposite genders come across each other. The later part is something which apparently sounds very painful and reflects the emotions of a soul that had been cut into two halves out of human-centipede (being emotionally involved).

    I am referring to Emotional Quotient and Trust Issues only. Though the writer has very well concluded the moral imparting lesson.
