Sunday 6 July 2014

How you get a new cellphone and you're so excited about it ;you take care of it, ;protect it from scratches ; explore it like a luxury ; keep it safe even from yourself and then slowly you're used to it, you place it anywhere and anyplace you like, think of it much less and only when you are afraid that you've lost  it, do you decide to be more cautious  Only when you lose it do you feel the pang, the regret.
That's the way with people too.


  1. To give analogies is always good to make a point but wrong one(s) don not serve the purpose. When we have a forum or option to give our opinion, we have to be very careful as it may be a Wrong Analogy for some immature mind (example follows). I said so as I observe people these days quoting something read on FB instead of any real life example or saying of a Prophet etc.

    I ll give you an example shared by you, the king bowing to her queen (lion and lioness), I hope you get it what I am trying to say.

    Moreover, a physical matter (new cell phone) and living beings cannot be compared into this very situation.
    I tell you a story (I read or watched somewhere I don’t remember exactly). A man was sitting next to a woman in some terminal somewhere in an airport. Both were busy in reading where suddenly the guy realizes the box of cookies, he just bought, lying over the seat between two of them and noticed (raising an eyebrow) that the woman eating and enjoying those.
    Anyways, they both keep on eating the cookies until box is empty. Whilst, it was the last cookie in box, lady offers him to have it all by extending her arm towards him. The man was wondering ,thinking the box his own he bought, though he had its half. Meanwhile, their names are called for the departures and they both leave for different planes. When that guy settles into his seat and opens his hand-bag, he finds out the cookie box in it. He really feels ashamed of himself and carries away the bad gut feeling life time realizing the moment when he looked down upon that noble woman. That generosity of woman was the thing he was cherishing now but being sorry figure.

    Among our relations with elders, relatives, friends etc, we like and dislike many things but still we share the relation and don’t let go anyone. Some relations don’t even have expectations but we keep them (friends). In some relations we have high expectations which are critical and the real beauty being a human being (instead of new cell phone), is how we keep up………..

    In another post of mine I said every one can be loved, in this shot story of cookie box, that man loved that woman

    1. The lesson I take from the story of cookies would be that we should refrain from quick judgments and look at ourselves before we look around to make sure we are eating cookies from our own share.

    2. Funny.
      As it may, being literal, we fail to realize how aesthetically beautiful part of a life is missing from our lives.

      That leads us to be a cookie monster as we are no angels.
