Wednesday 2 July 2014

In full acknowledgement of the treatment he had given her, he ached not for the reversal of events or for the paths in their lives to converge again..For it had been a necessary evil to part ways.
He wished only for one conversation with the person she had been, when she was yet untouched by claims of his undying love , yet unscathed by the heat of his cruel transformation into a stranger ..When s
he was just a free person without the baggage of emotions he had weighed her down with, conveniently extracting himself from all the burden of spoken vows and shared love , word by word.

He did not want her as she would be now, bitter and weak, and worse still, maybe longing for him. It appeared that he respected her less for forfeiting her sense of equilibrium too soon, for accepting his bait too eagerly though all that had enamored him greatly,before perspectives shifted.

What he longed for , in the disconnected state of his mind, was the casual company of that girl in his past , when she was not broken..or high on the illusions of love.  

Maybe the irreversible nature of the damage...was his loss.


  1. why go to such drastic lengths on his part,only to suffer regret and desertedness?

    1. Well. Someone must be able to relate to it.

    2. You seem to have quite a bit of discernment. what do you think?
      BTW is this story a real life observation or your profound imagination.

    3. I like to think from different perspectives.

    4. Well then what do you think of Friendship.
