Tuesday 10 June 2014

A little gratitude

We are well aware of the impulse to give a negative feedback to a company/shop/restaurant that doesn't meet our expectations. But what happens when they do? Maybe the big names owning the popular food chains wouldn't need our feedback quite as badly as the small people, starting to earn a living. What about the delivery guy who delivers Pizza to the door, Hot? and remembers to bring napkins and ketchup sachets? What about a vendor who puts his heart into roasting peanuts? Do we feel as inclined to say 'Thank you. You were great'' as we are to express our disappointment in someone? Why being expressive about our disappointment comes naturally and appreciating does not?
I think it always counts. Thankfulness to a doctor who doesn't empty your pockets and is genuinely concerned about your health counts. A glass of some cold drink to the delivery guy in this scorching heat of Lahore, counts. A cup of hot tea to the guard who watches over your home when you sleep counts. It makes someone's day. It makes them 'know' ( not just 'feel') that they matter. They count. Because every good thing that a person does to you could have been done otherwise. & It makes a point that everything in life is not a business transaction or a give-and-take deal.

Eventually we are the beneficiaries of our behavior. Imagine a world where people didn't look upto you only when you served a purpose and were genuinely appreciative of your services.

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