Saturday 7 June 2014

Beauty salons

I feel so small in beauty parlors. To me, they always seem to harbor a pack of vicious ladies who just pounce on you, pointing out your imperfections.
There you are, idly taking out money from your wallet for a haircut and the suggestions start pouring in. 
It usually starts mild.
-Do you use a sun block? ( as if i have never heard of the word 'sunblock' .the sums of money i have spent all my life to find the right combination of desired SPF protection and suitability to skin mock me)
-You must get a facial, your skin looks very ... dull
then as an afterthought..
-you must get a whitening facial. you will see its effects very soon ( and woman, What if i happen to be comfortable in my own skin?)
All this time i politely nod while occasionally pointing out the futility of these skin procedures in this unbearably hot and polluted environment (also extensive skin therapies may not only irritate sensitive skin types but they also leave open pores following blackhead removal) but soon as you point it out
- You will only know once you let us treat you. Girls these days are so conscious about their beauty. ( Is it so obvious that i care the least??)
At this point I remind myself to keep change in my wallet next time i come here , politely acknowledge their suggestions and hardly mumble 'something later' and other niceties before im well out of the door of Salon.

You feel small where you don't belong.

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