Friday 16 May 2014

The spine that you had when you asked me out, You left in the gutter

The trouble with this society is that here you don't meet just womanizers, for they would be easy to have a moral standpoint against. Here you meet boys, who after maintaining a consuming relationship with you for a long period of time might any day blow the trumpet of 'parents love' in your ear, while nurturing their dear conscience with thoughts of greater good, because priorities are to be defined and they usually lie under the feet of their mothers . Naturally, if whatever you are doesn't coincide with the wishes of their first  love (yielding effective weapons of emotional blackmail) You become the biggest sacrifice they had to make in their life while they themselves transform into the goody-good prospective suitors for girls with whom their fates would be decided in drawing rooms under the approving eye of their parents (this 'approval' is itself short-lived in any case)

And the trouble is their fucking conscience survives intact from the world that seemingly, only collapsed around you.

Ah! the shallowness of human emotion.
Ah! the two-edged sword of love

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