Sunday 1 June 2014

She came home after a tiring day , The humidity clung to her skin like disease and only after scrubbing herself for an hour did she feel at ease. She picked the most loose-fitting gown she could find and let it flow around her as she hunted for something in the fridge to eat. Eating chunks of cream cheese, she pushed away the vague reminders from her mind, of how she had refused to take breakfast earlier in the day because 'TODAY' was going to be the day she would start dieting seriously. And this is what she ended up eating. Just like all other uncomfortable thoughts, she chose to ignore it and munched away, happily.

Sitting between her parents, she casually observed the conflict of personalities she had been painfully aware of, since childhood. This was the most non-ideal couple but all of us children pretend otherwise. She reflected with surprise. It was a surprise how these two had stayed together, and although on appearance it was a relationship which met all the standards set by the society and had achieved all the milestones that made them 'acceptable' and 'like-able', the obvious misfit between them tormented her endlessly. She sat there, listening to the bickering, trying to remember the good things and the good times. The silver lining which is always there in the cloud and how she had so much to be thankful of. She tried to remember how trivial her thoughts were and how insignificant her worries were compared to those of a starving mother in Africa whose child suckled at her dry breast. Or the people in hospital corridors who are too stunned by grief, to react, for the first few minutes of the most terrifying revelation that is the fate for all : death. She shuddered to think how much worse it could have been but well..

The thought that she was a speck of dust on a very big beach, that all that she was, was as tiny and as replaceable as that tiny grain of sand, was oddly comforting. Yet not really satisfying.

Because are we fooling ourselves? Are we that insignificant? Are you not an entire universe in a single person? Because when you die, your reality dies with you??

And can tragedies be compared??? And does it matter as long as you are capable of immense feeling and emotion for an other person you are not related to, even if you are not hurting for him right now?. Is it entirely wrong to dwell on the prickly thorns of people's behavior? When they are your reality?

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