Thursday 11 May 2023

It will be upto people to see the beauty in you. Sometimes people are too different, to have any appreciation for opposing qualities in each other. And sometimes it is just a matter of where they are in their journey , and how ready they are to embrace you or someone like you. A swan can dance before a blind man, but if he doesn't have the ability to see it, he wouldn't see how beautiful the dance is. 
If you are such a swan, would you then keep dancing?
 I think of this Urdu Proverb here : 'Jungle me more nacha kis ne dekha' which implies that if a peacock's dance is not witnessed, it's in vain. 
And I understand, my Swan, that you want to be seen, but even if you are not, you have to keep dancing, you have to keep being you.
Because someone acknowledging the beauty in you, may feel like validation of your existence and who you are. 
But you being you is an act of obligation, by you, for yourself. And that comes first.

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