Thursday 20 April 2023

Today I came across a very interesting story commonly narrated in Spanish language. There is a beach where the water is throwing out star fish on the shore in abundance. The star fish are struggling to get back in, but they are trapped on the land and most of them die trying. A woman on the beach starts throwing the starfish back into the water. One by one, she picks each starfish and throws it with the farthest shot she can take at the water.
The people are observing her, one of them comes up to her and tells her how useless it is. ''No matter how many starfish you throw back into the water, there are so many more which die on the land. It makes no difference.'' He says.
The woman calmly replies, ''to the star fish that i am throwing back in the water, it makes all the difference.''

This story nicely sums up what i have felt so many times in my life. Whatever act of good you do, whatever effort you put in anything, can be perceived as useless by viewing it from another perspective. You want to help people? How many will you be able to help, the system will mostly stay how it is. You buy homeless people hot meals, they still go back and wake up in the reality of being homeless.  And are you looking for meaning in your personal life ? From the vantage point of death, what difference does it make, eventually it will be like you have never existed. 
You will talk about something with passion in front of someone, and people will tell you it doesn't matter in this or that scheme of things. 

With time, you will doubt your  perspective. You will doubt your joys, your passions and your longings, because you think that the people are serving you 'reality checks'.
But stay mindful that the people are also serving you reality checks from their own perspective. And as long as meaning of life and mysteries of consciousness are concerned, there is not one perspective on it that all abide by. Even the people who question you, are not very sure about their perspective. The cynic who mocks your happiness and the will to live, would sacrifice all his accolades to unite with the long lost love of his life. He'll not hear that there is no meaning in it.

To the starfish you throw back in water, it matters.
To the homeless person for whom you bought a hot meal and who was otherwise hurt by every relationship who was supposed to protect him in life, it mattered.
To yourself, when you danced with all the joy in the world, when you talked with the stars of the universe reflecting in your eyes, when you did what made you feel exhilarated just to be alive, when you strived, when you struggled, when you shone, when you lived, when you thrived,
it mattered.
In YOUR scheme of things, it mattered. 

So much beauty is generated in your scheme of things, in your own personal quest for meaning  that one day centuries down the line, someone is looking at the 'The Scream' in a museum, and it gives them courage to scream against the wrong being done to them, or to others. The love you inspire, the lives you inspire, the life you live, will never be without consequence in the perspective of humankind

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