Tuesday 13 June 2017

'Pamper yourself'
Yes. But pampering can not only be done with spending money on things for an instant dopamine rush , in a capitalist economy with a crises of overabundance. Sorting out the things that you already have , and not just the things , all the matters , all the relations , all the ambitions , all the junk. It is a meditative task of introspection. I believe every good change in your life starts from taking stock of things, not hoarding more. If your threshold for buying something is that you buy anything which 'looks good' then you are trapped in an unrelenting web of consumerism , currently with an access to only a fraction of a percentage to everything the world has to offer in terms of material goods. In Malaysia , I have seen highly customised goods. I saw a pillow that had arm holes , for you to rest your head on it as you sat on a desk. I have never needed it. I don't need the travel pillow , it's just an additional thing to carry. I don't need a folding machine. I don't need the latest model of a phone that comes on the market. I use 10 percent of the things in own. And it's not an estimate but abject calculation.
It's a beautiful time for us to be alive. I know it's far from ideal with the wealth concentrated in some circles of the society and the poor not having access to clean water in some parts of the world. But without even taking the topic in that direction , for the matters of personal satisfaction , well being , and comfort. An average person of today needs to sit with himself / herself and question what he/She really needs. Perhaps malls are not the place you go for fun , perhaps they are somewhere you go for need. And YOU need to draw a line. Maybe you will be affluent enough to afford all the riches for all of your life, but you will never get anywhere if this is the focus of your life. Whatever we pursue in our life , we have an end point for it in our mind , a milestone , achieving what , we think will make us happy. Or there's some point at which we think we will do justice to it. With consumerism , there is an endless horizon. The market will always be flooded with newer , more customised goods and updated versions of what you are dying to have at the moment. Their profit is ensured by our obsession with having more , a behavior which reflects our oversight and has no productive outcome that will make us feel good some hours from 'buying that thing'.

1 comment:

  1. But you do have to spend money inorder to pamper yourself, besides just doing yoga 🙇
