Monday, 25 April 2016

On domestic Help and slavery.

Very often , I hear the people living abroad complain about all the house work they have to get done by themselves. How in Pakistan , they led "life of kings".
How sad it is for them.
The one thing that they miss the most about Pakistan , the one thing that favors them is a system of slavery , which lacks any legislation or supervision by the government.  There is a minimum wage for the laborer (even that isn't duly paid).  But for the domestic help ? There is not even a minimum wage. I mean if you begin to look at the infrastructure.  You fall in the pits.  Because there is not even any bloody legislation to begin with.
How sad indeed. That they now live in countries where they have to treat their helpers like humans. When the treatment domestic help gets does not depend on the whims of the 'maalik'.  How sad that they have to pay rather substantial sums of money in exchange for their help. How sad that they can't establish supremacy over someone just by the virtue of the might their money has given them. How sad that they can't be treated like kings by people who are servants.  (and are slaves in effect as there is no law to protect them)

What's shocking is the ease with which they express these thoughts. As if their entitlement to this superior treatment is justified. And that makes them miss their homeland.  Awww.

The truth is that you don't have domestic help in your home abroad. Because that is fricking expensive.  You know why that is expensive ? Because it actually pays a respectable person enough money to sustain his living in exchange for the work he does for you. You know why you have domestic help back home that you are missing ,the help that does all that you can't do for yourself, That doesn't even have a right to do some listed chores. Because you are renting people as is convenient for you.

I am one of the clumsiest  people I know. I depend on a lot of people for a lot of things but because they are offered to me out of their free will. Abroad, If I had to cook myself , I would eat organic. If I had to wash my clothes , I would buy an automatic machine of sorts. If I had to make my bed. I would pick up the cushions and do it.
But I wouldn't favor myself with the arrogant illusion that I was entitled to any 'royal treatment" that actually chipped away at the dignity of the 'lower class'. Even the words taste ugly in my mouth.

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