Friday 5 September 2014

So rare is the occurrence of meeting someone who thinks outside the box that when it happens, it is almost disarming.  I had only salutations to write on a cleverly done nude portrait of a girl who had her private parts essentially covered by a swirl of flame that draped the girl with plentiful gaps yielding just enough to tease, yet holding back the overwhelming sexuality of bare female anatomy.  (drawn by a junior)
Not because I am a fan of art of this kind. But i fully commend the courage it takes to be the odd one out in your circles, by opting not to be a people-pleaser and maintaining a distinct vision of your own.  Nudity in this case was not an act of perversion, but instead an act of rebellion, or  simply a rather bold way of claiming what is essentially our own right.
The right of a woman to her body.
The demand to possess her own sexuality and harness it however she pleases.

The right that she has always been denied.
Because it is the men who are the the stake-holders in her life.

I may bear no resentment against a woman who accepts the status of a subordinate, or  an intellectually inferior specie by handing over the decisions of her life to the male members of her family, considering the decisions aren't hers to make in the first place under most circumstances.

But i have, and will always have great admiration for women... who, questioning the restrictions place on them, grow up into fiery warriors with their bodies aflame and their hearts full of scorn against the patriarchal society they are too goddamn free to fit in with. The tigresses who break the shackles.

 I have great respect for their absolute shamelessness about the disgust the cause.

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