Friday 20 June 2014

You can't fake it, You won't make it.

The only comfort you'll ever feel if you are not a social bee who takes friendships and interactions only on their face value is when you find your kind of people. You'll not need to convince yourself. Excitement will be born out of your connection with them. The ease, the divine flow, the happiness.
The sense of belonging..
Today I am thankful for every emotional upheaval in my life so far, because it took me closer to the ones who made me realize the beauty of life beyond all such things by reflecting my own image in them. It WAS hurtful at the time , only today I am able to understand that it was necessary for me in order to realize the true nature of so many people I took as my loved ones. The people I was always willing to fit in with after giving them a benefit of doubt while they never seemed to make any allowances for me.. The way of my mind is that I shun the approach of a victim on principle. I tried to be more understanding of people's nature and each time they presented me with a bigger challenge of understanding. I believe in Rumi's philosophy which presents love as a limitless entity to be shared freely. I live in a Utopia in my mind. These were the mental barriers I constructed against my own self-defense. I assumed the responsibility for the lack of connection with people and worked on it, unnoticed. Yet there was also a hurdle in my mind that i persistently ignored. 'It didn't feel right.'
You know, you can be too generous. Generosity is infinite. 'A dog gave me a vicious bite' can be put as 'an animal followed its natural instinct'. The latter approach is more objective and hence, ever a fan of rationality I refused to think in context of a victim under any circumstances.
It took time for me to realize that 1) If I was not cool with feeling sorry for myself I was right. It didn't have to be looked at as a matter of people victimizing you. It was about whether you connected with them 2) I was emotionally mature to not regard everyone I didn't connect with as a bad person instead I could quietly part ways and continue on my own way 3) If Rumi were alive I would ask him, if you let yourself loom around such emotional blackholes so often, how would you then share your light and energy with the rest of the people who may actually reflect it instead of leaving you deplete of all good emotions?
4) In the end, I found great solace in another beautiful thought by Rumi, 'Don't be satisfied with the stories before you. Unfold your own myth'.
Rumi also came before me. My story was mine to write.
And it is my story. Story of Hira Khan. That concludes on a moral :
Let it be laid down in concrete for Gugloo or any little girl who might face it tomorrow.
It's ok to move away from toxic people & friendships, drama queens and their manipulation of you, the people who push you far below their priority list while you put them on top, the people in whose company who feel small or invisible.. ( There is an objective explanation of all that, but well, in the heat of this moment...)
Save your best for the ones who are worth it. And those who are worth it are the ones about whom you don't have to convince yourself of a connection.

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