Saturday 11 March 2023

Just sensations.

You know, your body is getting feedback all the time from your skin, organs, and joints about its position, what is touching it and how it feels. You are just not consciously aware of the most part. That amount of information will overload your thinking needlessly. There's no yield in you experiencing the sensation of your feet resting on the ground. Yet your body will kick in and inform you, if something is not right, is uncomfortable or dangerous. 
   But sometimes when I am sitting like this, I start paying attention to the bits and pieces of sensation on my skin, and around my body. When I do that, the need for comfort becomes more evident for some experiences. It feels that there is a threshold of comfort negotiated between the subconscious or not-knowing parts of your mind and with my conscious awareness, i take back some of the control and push the threshold lower down. Its frequently commented on that I am someone who can adapt to variations in environment with relative ease compared to other people, but when i pay attention to it, there is discomfort.

 I was paying attention to my body and felt it was quite cold, i put on a sherpa lined hoodie and it feels like a warm hug now. 
 With the same practice, i optimized my diet, my shoes, my sleep.

And I feel more productive and peaceful than ever.

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