Tuesday 21 February 2023


  When someone is mean to you, and says something nasty about you, on the surface it appears that they have done something that makes you feel bad. They can call you ugly, boring or anything under the Sun. Maybe you will feel devastated by it in the moment.

But it is never as simple. In time,  you will move on, your heart will find peace, you will find some closure,  and you will be a different person.  But the person who says you are ugly,  will always stay the person who said you were ugly. He will always stay the person whose judgement of another person was based on such a superficial metric, and someone who was so ugly inside that he was not averse to hurting others. He will have opportunities to redeem himself, but the burden will be on him.

 In any encounter you have with them ever, they will know it, you will know it, and it will always be up to you to forgive it.
   Tomorrow you may be in a different place, emancipated from them, free of all the hurt they could make you feel while they had the power, and it will feel so different for you. You will probably be unaffected by anything that was ever said to you.
But they will know. They will remember. It will be their burden to carry, not yours.

I think we always bear the consequences of what we are to people. 

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