Wednesday 10 December 2014

It's a man's world.

Because the swearwords he uses are about his opponent's mother, and sister..
As an abuse is not offensive enough, unless it degrades someone's mother or sister.
And humiliation is for women, as respect is for them.
And how volatile is respect, because once he gets to call a woman his own,
gets to know her secrets, the untold one and the ones between her lines.
he becomes possessive about her, and what's the charm in that?
everyone is protective about his property, which should be neater,
more beautiful and worthwhile, yet out of reach, as a beautiful wife on the other side of bed.

so what is respect but a fragile parameter? A wrong sentiment earned for all the wrong reasons.
 And what is possession but a selfish desire? feeding to which only validates the wrong,
depriving a man of his ability to believe,
that he could be looked in the eye and be disagreed with.
and that he could find no reason to be afraid,
of a person with choices.
or a sparrow with wings

 I find myself wondering in times such as these.
How good is a lock on the door on of your universe.
When that's the only place you'll ever be.
(and if it were just an illusion of home)
 As if by keeping the lock in its place
You could uproot the desire to flee.

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