Tuesday 6 May 2014

Murky corners.

As a medical student, I fully realize how volatile the nature of good health is, how shockingly temporary your happiness can be, or how unreliable life is beneath all these layers . One minute a patient around whom all the doctors are huddled together , performing all the life saving maneuvers that they have learnt over a period of countless grueling work hours, is breathing in the same air and the other minute he is dead. ECG flatlines. Just like in the movies, only much more cold.
 Doctors, having performed the CPR, remove their gloves, and move on from the 'expired' patient to the next bed.
A living person becomes a body. We hear about death and realize how it might be lurking around the corner, but the truth is, we all imagine it to exist in a far-off, distant plane. Even as we speak, even as i write, i refuse to let the finality of my tone sink in . Death could be a car that decides to go astray tomorrow when I am on my way to college. Or it could be the sudden choice of my body's regulation systems to resign from the task of controlling the different cell populations, it could be as spontaneous, as quick and as humorous in its authority.

Death could be just around the corner, calling out for me.
 But i decide to live. I decide to enjoy the game of hide and seek I'll never win.

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