Saturday 20 April 2024

 I am going to resume writing on the blog I guess. This is more like a personal diary, where I don't have a following and I don't care for it. As a result, more unadulterated and incosequential thoughts. 

Thursday 3 August 2023

Patient's son:
If my mother was more mentally present she would tell you, you are so pretty and you look like a teenager.

Thursday 27 July 2023

 My favorite people in the world (List is not exhaustive)

Sam Harris

Arundhati Roy

Elizabeth Gilbert

Bertrand Russel

Carl Sagan

Tim Ubran.

My favorite fictional character

Sarrah Jessica Parker ( Carrie Bradshaw )

Wednesday 26 July 2023

I think about pre-existing concepts in a different way.
When somebody wants to sell you something, even if you genuinely want that thing, you are kind of turned off because you detect that there's something in it for the other person.
It's interesting how this phenomenon of reactance carries over so easily to relationships. It feels like people begrudge others for having too eager a desire for them. It makes them feel like there's something in it for the other person. It challenges their sense of autonomy.
 Feeling that they are making a 'free choice' is extremely important to people.

Saturday 22 July 2023

Monday 10 July 2023

Paliative service:
I have a feeling that Z.U (initials changed) hates my guts.
She is one of the people who just assume that the other person is disinterested in her job. Whether this judgement stems from her experience with too many lazy people or an acute insight of her own laziness, I do not know. As for the latter theory, I don't find her lazy. She is bratty, entitled  and difficult to talk to, but she does her job. 
I find it hard to stand my ground in front of mean people. You need to be very assertive. My tone with people is always so amicable, that faced with the possibility of a confrontation, I feel frustrated. I can only ever get angry ( which happens once in a blue moon) or say nothing.

I have to change this attitude. Simply because its not fair for people to be bratty and get no push back