Thursday, 18 December 2014

You will find someone who will tell you you are absolutely right, offer you a safe heaven and comfort of acceptance, tell you they are there for you no matter what. And in the process , sometimes reinforce your negativity or unjust opinions about a person or event. Your hostility for something or someone becomes justified. In relationships people usually fulfill the said roles because obviously, they buy the narrative of the one they love. I have seen many people become bold and unstoppable in the hurt they cause because someone has always got their back. Even about the wrong things they do and say.

So unprecedentedly nice it is to know someone who would ask you to 'think again', to analyze a situation in all possible ways from different perspectives because their conscience is too strong and unmistakable to be bought over, even by affection. No matter how much they love you. (As if making you see that you wouldn't settle for the comfort. You would want to be right. And they make you aware of the biased parts of you)
How does comfort of a lie compare with the courage it takes to consider the possibility that you are wrong?
The awareness of belonging to someone who is bigger than his biases is worth the effort, this courage, and the extra mile you have to travel.
(Not that you do it for them. You do it for yourself so that you don't close unnecessary doors on yourself, so that you don't harbor a negative emotion that has no factual basis.)

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